Two of our leaders, Damon Millar and Clare Thompson, are launching their second Covid related business book in January 2022. Best of all, as a loyal reader you can place your pre order for a signed and dedicated copy now!

Following the success of their first Covid business book (and their sixth book collaboration) last year, the new for 2022 book is called COVID BOUNCE BACK – HOW YOUR BUSINESS CAN THRIVE NOW!

A synopsis of the books contents is provided below and if you wish to pre order your signed and dedicated copy you can do so by contacting our team today. Hurry however as only the first 1,000 copies can be signed and dedicated.

Please note that all proceeds of the book will be donated to Covid charities. The authors will not generate any income from book proceeds.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Business Success in 2022!
For Publication 03 January 2022 by Damon Millar & Clare Thompson

One year ago today, the Prime Minister told you that you must stay at home. The rapid development of the Coronavirus pandemic sent shockwaves through the global economy. Subsequent restrictions resulted in the most difficult business landscape in living memory.

Large swathes of the business community were placed on life support – dependent on government support in the shape of furlough payments, bounce back loans and the drip-feed of grant income.

Hitherto unthinkable, you were paid to close your business; paid to keep your employees at home; paid meagre income support payments if you were lucky.

Yet, rather remarkably, you are still standing. Just. And now the real challenge starts. As we emerge from lockdown and government support evaporates, your business survival is tentative. If 2021 was the year of Covid, 2022 is the year your business either sinks or swims.

We implore you: don’t be one of the losers. You’ve made it this far. We have written this book precisely to help you. Over 300 pages, we present a step-by-step system for Covid recovery, comprising hundreds of Covid business growth strategies that any business can use.

Since the emergence of the pandemic a year ago, we have been helping our clients to first survive, then adapt and ultimately thrive despite Covid. This book is the culmination of the most effective strategies we have put to work in the real world to help our clients prosper during this pandemic.

Now it is your time. Your very own Covid bounce back awaits you. Follow our step-by-step system of cost-effective, fast-acting and easily implemented strategies for business success and make 2021 your best ever year despite Covid.

For more details, for any publishing or related enquiries or to order our signed and dedicated copy (first 1,000 copies only) please contact our office on 0191 378 0308 during office hours or email


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